Headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Reimagine Agriculture acknowledges that we are on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee, and the Wendat peoples, and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. This land is covered by the Dish with One Spoon Wampum Covenant, whose spirit and ideals will be upheld in the mission of Reimagine Agriculture.
As we strive to shift food cultivation practices across Canada, Reimagine Agriculture takes a national lens when considering issues within the agricultural sector. As such, we believe that it is important to consider the land-keepers who were here before us and who still work to protect and preserve their traditional territories and ways of life from coast to coast to coast. We support them in their efforts and pledge to include their voices in our campaigns. While we strive to change how food is produced in this country, we recognize and respect the diverse diets of those indigenous to Canada and their importance to their culture and history.
We strive to incorporate indigenous voices into our campaigns and encourage everyone to take the initiative to learn more about the Indigenous nations with whom we share this land. To learn more about why land acknowledgments are important, and what can be done to reverse the legacy of colonialism, please consider the links below as a starting point.
What are land acknowledgments and why do they matter?
Traditional Territories of Indigenous Nations
Truth and Reconciliation Commission
National Center for Truth and Reconciliation
Headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Reimagine Agriculture acknowledges that we are on the traditional territory of many nations. Please read our full land acknowledgement here.